Module: cercaliagl/Map





Type Definitions


Name Type Description
animation boolean


duration number

Duration if animation is enabled. Default 2000.

changeZoom boolean

Change zoom

zoom number

zoom to change


Name Type Argument Description
layerId string <optional>

Layer id. Default LayersId.MARKERS_LAYER_ID.

onClick function <optional>

Click over callback function.

onMouseOver function <optional>

Mouse over callback function.

onMouseOut function <optional>

Mouse out callback function.

maxZoom number <optional>

Max zoom for clustering. Default 16.

radius number <optional>

Radius in pixels to cluster. Default 40.


Name Type Argument Description
onDrawEnd function <optional>

Callback function when feature has been drawn. It receive geometry drawn


Name Type Argument Description
layerId string <optional>

Layer id. Default LayersId.MARKERS_LAYER_ID.

styleHeatZones module:cercaliagl/layer/Marker~StyleHeatLayer

Style layer zone. Read MapboxGL documentation

styleHeatPoints module:cercaliagl/layer/Marker~StyleHeatLayer

Point layer zone. Use layer type: circle styles.


Name Type Argument Description
target string

HTML element ID map container. Mandatory field.

bounds module:cercaliagl/Bounds~Bounds <optional>

Initial map bounding box. Default: null.

center module:cercaliagl/LonLat~LonLat <optional>

Center map coordinates. Default values x=-2.530985346701069, y=40.14298996438731

controls Array.<string> <optional>

Map controls to include. Values:

srcArrow string

Arrow to be used when feature has showDirections = true

disableKeyboardControls boolean

Disable controls to move/rotate/pan map with the keyboard = true

drawStyles Array.<module:cercaliagl/MapStyler~StyleLayerJSON> <optional>

Draw styles. Default [].

adaptDrawStylesToFeatureStyle boolean <optional>

Adapt draw styles to feature style. Default false.

  • cercaliagl.control.MapControls.SCALELINE
  • cercaliagl.control.MapControls.CLEAN
  • cercaliagl.control.MapControls.GAS_STATIONS
  • cercaliagl.control.MapControls.LAYER_SWITCHER
  • cercaliagl.control.MapControls.METEO
  • cercaliagl.control.MapControls.NAVBAR
  • cercaliagl.control.MapControls.TRAFFIC
  • cercaliagl.control.MapControls.ZOOM
  • cercaliagl.control.MapControls.ISOCHRONES

    If you want a map without controls put value `[]`.
mapLayers Array.<string>

Default map base layers. cercalia.MapTypes.CERCALIA, cercalia.MapTypes.OSM, `cercalia.MapTypes.SATELLITE``.

customBaseLayers Array.<(module:cercaliagl/layer/XYZ~XYZ|module:cercaliagl/layer/WMS~WMS)> <optional>

Custom base layers

zoom number <optional>

Initial zoom level [0 - 19]. Default value 6

minZoom number <optional>

Minimum zoom. Default value 2

maxZoom number <optional>

Maximum zoom. Default value 19

cooperativeGestures boolean <optional>

Setting cooperativeGesturs to true, scroll to zoom requires command key, and two fingers to pan the map on mobile version.

restrictedBounds module:cercaliagl/Bounds~Bounds <optional>

Bounding box limits for map navigation. Default null.

rotation number <optional>

Map bearing in degrees. Default value 0

defaultClick function <optional>

Assign function to click on map. Function parameters: (1->pixel, 2->cercalia.LonLat).

  1. Pixel where clicked with mouse right click.
  2. Map coordinate.

defaultBaseLayer string <optional>

Default base layer. Default cercalia.

lang string <optional>

Language, you must put useBrowserLanguage to false. Default en.

useBrowserLanguage boolean <optional>

Enable/Disable the usage by default of the browser language. Default true.

geolocationEnabled boolean <optional>

Enable automatically geolocation. Your position will be drawn to map.

rightClickMenu boolean <optional>

Enable/Disable menu on mouse right click. Default true.

rightClickFunction function <optional>

Assign function to mouse right click. For apply this option it's necessary to disable contextmenu on map initialization with option (rightClickMenu:false).
The function parameters are: (1->pixel, 2->cercalia.LonLat).

  1. Pixel where clicked with mouse right click.
  2. Map coordinate.

    Default: `null`.
rightClickMenuOptions Array.<string> <optional>

Map rightClick menu options to include. Values:

  • cercalia.ContextMenu.Option.ADDRESS
  • cercalia.ContextMenu.Option.ROUTING
  • cercalia.ContextMenu.Option.DISTANCE

    If you want a map without rightClick menu options put value [].
    Default `[cercalia.ContextMenuOptions.Location, cercalia.ContextMenuOptions.Routing]`.
multipleFeaturesInPixel boolean <optional>

Return multiple features in same pixel, for mouse events. Default true.

pitch number <optional>

Map pitch. Default value 0

onRotationEnd function <optional>

Function is called when the rotation of the map changes (called at the event's end).

onZoomEnd function <optional>

Function is called when the zoom of the map changes (called at the event's end).

onPitchEnd function <optional>

Function is called when the pitch of the map changes (called at the event's end).

antialias boolean <optional>

Antialias for GL render. Default false.

themeColor string <optional>

Theme color

routing3d routing3d <optional>

Draw 3D polyline for calculated route feature. Default false.

freehandOnDrawPolygonMobile boolean <optional>

Draw polygon button on mobile will active freehand mode. Default false.